Student Cafe Tuesday, October 25
Have a good start to the week at Chabad on Campus with a small, accessible and cosy dinner with your fellow students!
Student Cafe October 25 2022
Student Cafe October 25 2022
he start of the week is a tough one for many: studying, working and getting up on time again. This, in combination with the after-effects of the weekend, can logically lead to a lack of energy for cooking. Have a good start of the week at Chabad on Campus with a small, accessible and cosy dinner on Tuesday evening! Wednesday evenings with us are ideal for talking about the past weekend and the first days of the week with your fellow students.
These homely Tuesday evening dinners are attended by Jewish students from all over the Netherlands and the menu is posted on our social media pages every week.
Be surprised by Esty’s cooking and enjoy delicious kosher food at our Student Café on Tuesday evenings! Sign up using the registration form on this page and receive further details via email after acceptance.
Time and location:The Student Café is Tuesday evening from 18:30-19:30 and takes place at the Zuidas (near Amsterdam South Station). For security reasons, you will receive more information about the exact location after registration.
Cost: Five euros per person.
Register via the registration form on this page.
Registration form
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Chabad on Campus is made possible by donations from institutions and individuals. We are grateful that you are also considering supporting our work for the benefit of the future of Jewism in the Netherlands.
Stichting Chabad on Campus has an ANBI status, which means that donations are tax deductible in most cases.