Kosher Restaurants and Shops in Amsterdam

Koosjere Restaurants

La Biss Kosher Streed Food

Albert Cuypstraat 278, Amsterdam

Meat Me Kosher
Kastelenstraat 65, Amsterdam

La Basta – Kosher Street Food

De Clerqstraat 16H, Amsterdam

Machane Yehuda Amsterdam

Albert Cuypstraat 165, Amsterdam


Sandwichshop Sal Meijer/Food Court Amstelveen

Professor J.H. Bavincklaan 5, Amstelveen

Pizza & Co Amsterdam

Kastelenstraat 105A, Amsterdam

Kosher Stores

David’s Corner

Kastelenstraat 69, Amsterdam

Mouwes Kosher

Kastelenstraat 261, Amterdam

JUMBO met Koshere afdeling

Kastelenstraat 70, Amsterdam

Kosher List

The NIK produces annually a list with kosher items you can buy in regular supermarkets all across the Netherlands.

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