Minister of Education Eppo Bruins Visits Jewish Students: Important Message on Safety and Discrimination

On the evening of Friday, August 23, Chabad on Campus hosted a special Shabbat dinner with guest of honor, the new Minister of Education, Mr. Eppo Bruins. During the dinner, the minister engaged in a warm and open conversation with attending students and faculty members from various universities in the Netherlands, including Rotterdam, Delft, The Hague, Leiden, and Amsterdam. Among the guests were also professors Bart Wallet and Marc Salomon.

On his LinkedIn account, the minister reflected on his experience and expressed his concern about the challenges faced by Jewish students and educators. “It pains me to hear that they are struggling,” wrote Bruins. “That they sometimes feel too afraid to attend lectures or do not feel safe there, that they are harassed for wearing a kippah, and that they are judged based on what is happening in Gaza. That war is terrible, but it is wrong to blame Jewish Dutch people for it.”

The minister emphasized his commitment to ensuring that all students feel safe at university and noted that global tensions also make their way into the classroom. “I want to hear from the teachers and students themselves about how they are dealing with this and what I can do for them. In the coming period, I will be talking with different groups of students and teachers about this issue.”

Bruins called for openness and understanding: “When you open yourself to the stories of others, light and space for understanding emerge. I encourage everyone to do this. And don’t be afraid to set clear boundaries. It is up to all of us to combat antisemitism, discrimination, and incitement to hatred in education.”

Chabad on Campus views the minister’s visit and the staff of the Ministry of Education for the start of the new academic year as a positive sign. Yanki Jacobs, the national student rabbi and host of the evening, confirmed that he and others will continue this year to work towards the well-being of Jewish and Israeli students and scholars across the Netherlands. Several new initiatives are also in the pipeline. For help and support, students can reach out via

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