Shabbat Times Netherlands

Shabbat /Sjabbat Candles Amsterdam

Here are the start and end times of the Sabbath in the Netherlands. The starting time (on Friday afternoon/evening) is the same throughout the country, but the end time varies by zone. These times are based on the calculation provided by the Nederlands Israelitisch Kerkgenootschap (NIK). The work prohibition begins before the start of the Sabbath, which means that the Sabbath candles are lit before that time as well. More information about this can be found on the

Zoneverdeling / zone division 

Groot Amsterdam is een aparte zone / Amsterdam and surroundings is a separate zone

Zone 1: Friesland, Groningen, Drente, Texel, Den Helder

Zone 2: Noord-Holland (behalve / except Texel, Den Helder en Groot Amsterdam), Flevoland, Overijssel, Nijkerk, Harderwijk, Elburg, Hattem

Zone 3: Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, Gelderland (behalve / except Nijkerk, Harderwijk, Elburg en Hattem)

Zone 4: Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, Limburg ten noorden van / north of Roermond

Zone 5: Roermond, Limburg ten zuiden van / south of Roermond


Sjabbat Tijden 2025                
Sjabbat/ Jomtov Datum   Zone 1 Zone 2 Amsterdam Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5
Wajeesjew 21-dec begin 16:03 16:08 16:10 16:11 16:16 16:18
    eind 17:18 17:21 17:20 17:26 17:29 17:22
Mikeets-Chanoeka 28-dec begin 16:08 16:13 16:15 16:15 16:20 16:23
    eind 17:23 17:26 17:24 17:30 17:34 17:27
Wajigasj 04-jan begin 16:15 16:20 16:22 16:23 16:27 16:29
    eind 17:30 17:33 17:31 17:37 17:41 17:33
Vastendag 10 Tewet 10-jan begin 06:47 06:46 06:55 06:46 06:48 06:47
    eind 16:25 16:29 16:31 16:32 16:37 16:38
Wajechi 11-jan begin 16:25 16:29 16:31 16:32 16:37 16:38
    eind 17:38 17:41 17:40 17:46 17:49 17:41
Sjemot 18-jan begin 16:32 16:37 16:39 16:39 16:44 16:46
    eind 17:49 17:51 17:50 17:56 17:59 17:51
Wa ‘eera 24-jan begin 16:48 16:52 16:54 16:55 16:59 17:01
    eind 18:00 18:02 18:01 18:07 18:10 18:02
Bo 01-feb begin 17:02 17:05 17:07 17:07 17:12 17:13
    eind 18:12 18:14 18:13 18:18 18:21 18:13
Besjalach 08-feb begin 17:15 17:19 17:21 17:20 17:24 17:25
    eind 18:25 18:26 18:25 18:30 18:33 18:24
Jitro 15-feb begin 17:29 17:32 17:34 17:34 17:37 17:38
    eind 18:37 18:39 18:37 18:42 18:44 18:36
Misjpatiem 22-feb begin 17:43 17:45 17:47 17:47 17:50 17:51
    eind 18:50 18:51 18:50 18:54 18:56 18:48
Teroema 1-Mar begin 17:56 17:58 18:00 17:59 18:02 18:03
    eind 19:03 19:03 19:02 19:06 19:08 18:59
Tetsawee 8-Mar begin 18:09 18:11 18:12 18:12 18:15 18:15
    eind 19:15 19:16 19:14 19:18 19:20 19:11
Vastendag van Esther 13-Mar begin 05:06 05:09 05:18 05:10 05:14 05:15
    eind 19:24 19:25 19:23 19:27 19:29 19:19
Kie Tisa 15-Mar begin 18:22 18:23 18:25 18:24 18:27 18:27
    eind 19:28 19:28 19:27 19:30 19:32 19:23
Wajakheel 22-Mar begin 18:35 18:35 18:37 18:36 18:39 18:39
    eind 19:41 19:41 19:39 19:43 19:44 19:34
Pekoedee 29-Mar begin 18:48 18:48 18:49 18:48 18:50 18:50
    eind 19:54 19:54 19:52 19:55 19:56 19:46
Wajikra 05-apr begin 20:00 20:00 20:02 20:00 20:02 20:02
    eind 21:07 21:07 21:05 21:08 21:09 20:59
Tsav 12-apr begin 20:13 20:12 20:14 20:12 20:14 20:13
    eind 21:21 21:21 21:18 21:21 21:22 21:11
Eerste dag Pesach 13-apr begin 21:21 21:21 21:18 21:21 21:22 21:11
    eind 21:23 21:23 21:20 21:23 21:24 21:13
Tweede dag Pesach 14-apr begin 21:23 21:23 21:20 21:23 21:24 21:13
    eind 21:25 21:25 21:22 21:25 21:25 21:15
Zevende dag Pesach 19-apr begin 19:19 19:18 19:17 19:20 19:21 19:11
    eind 21:35 21:35 21:32 21:34 21:35 21:24
Achste dag Pesach 20-apr begin 21:35 21:35 21:32 21:34 21:35 21:24
    eind 21:37 21:37 21:34 21:36 21:37 21:26
Tazria-Metsora 3-May begin 19:38 19:37 19:35 19:38 19:39 19:28
    eind 22:04 22:03 21:59 22:01 22:01 21:50
Acharee Mot – Kedosjiem 10-May begin 19:47 19:47 19:44 19:47 19:48 19:37
    eind 22:19 22:18 22:13 22:15 22:15 22:03
Emor 17-May begin 19:56 19:56 19:53 19:55 19:56 19:45
    eind 22:33 22:32 22:27 22:28 22:28 22:15
Behar 24-May begin 20:05 20:04 20:01 20:03 20:04 19:53
    eind 22:46 22:45 22:39 22:41 22:40 22:27
Bemidbar 31-May begin 20:13 20:12 20:09 20:11 20:11 20:00
    eind 22:58 22:56 22:50 22:52 22:50 22:37
Naso 07-jun begin 20:19 20:18 20:15 20:17 20:17 20:06
    eind 23:08 23:06 22:59 23:01 22:59 22:46
Beha’alotecha 14-jun begin 20:23 20:23 20:19 20:21 20:21 20:10
    eind 23:15 23:12 23:06 23:07 23:05 22:52
Sjelach Lecha 21-jun begin 20:26 20:25 20:22 20:23 20:24 20:12
    eind 23:18 23:15 23:08 23:10 23:08 22:54
Korach 28-jun begin 20:27 20:26 20:22 20:24 20:24 20:13
    eind 23:17 23:14 23:08 23:09 23:07 22:54
Choekat 05-jul begin 20:25 20:24 20:21 20:22 20:23 20:12
    eind 23:12 23:10 23:04 23:05 23:03 22:50
Balak 12-jul begin 20:21 20:20 20:17 20:19 20:19 20:08
    eind 23:04 23:02 22:56 22:58 22:56 22:44
Pinchas 19-jul begin 20:15 20:14 20:11 20:13 20:14 20:03
    eind 22:53 22:52 22:46 22:48 22:47 22:35
Matot-Masee 26-jul begin 20:07 20:07 20:04 20:06 20:07 19:56
    eind 22:41 22:39 22:34 22:36 22:35 22:23
Dewariem 02-aug begin 19:58 19:58 19:55 19:57 19:58 19:48
    eind 22:26 22:25 22:21 22:22 22:22 22:10
Wa-etchanan 09-aug begin 19:48 19:47 19:45 19:48 19:49 19:38
    eind 22:10 22:09 22:06 22:07 22:08 21:56
Eekev 16-aug begin 19:36 19:36 19:34 19:37 19:38 19:27
    eind 21:54 21:53 21:50 21:52 21:52 21:41
Re-ee 23-aug begin 19:24 19:23 19:22 19:25 19:26 19:16
    eind 21:37 21:36 21:33 21:36 21:36 21:25
Sjoftiem 30-aug begin 19:11 19:10 19:09 19:12 19:14 19:04
    eind 21:19 21:19 21:16 21:19 21:20 21:09
Kie Teetsee 06-sep begin 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00
    eind 21:02 21:01 20:59 21:02 21:03 20:53
Kie Tawo 13-sep begin 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00
    eind 20:44 20:44 20:42 20:45 20:46 20:36
Newatiem 20-sep begin 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00
    eind 20:27 20:26 20:25 20:28 20:30 20:20
Eerste dag Rosj Hasjana 23-sep begin 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00
    eind 20:19 20:19 20:18 20:21 20:23 20:13
Tweeden dag Rosj Hasjana 24-sep begin 20:19 20:19 20:18 20:21 20:23 20:13
    eind 20:17 20:17 20:15 20:19 20:21 20:11


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