Shabbat Times Netherlands

Shabbat /Sjabbat Candles Amsterdam

Here are the start and end times of the Sabbath in the Netherlands. The starting time (on Friday afternoon/evening) is the same throughout the country, but the end time varies by zone. These times are based on the calculation provided by the Nederlands Israelitisch Kerkgenootschap (NIK). The work prohibition begins before the start of the Sabbath, which means that the Sabbath candles are lit before that time as well. More information about this can be found on the

Zoneverdeling / zone division 

Groot Amsterdam is een aparte zone / Amsterdam and surroundings is a separate zone

Zone 1: Friesland, Groningen, Drente, Texel, Den Helder

Zone 2: Noord-Holland (behalve / except Texel, Den Helder en Groot Amsterdam), Flevoland, Overijssel, Nijkerk, Harderwijk, Elburg, Hattem

Zone 3: Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, Gelderland (behalve / except Nijkerk, Harderwijk, Elburg en Hattem)

Zone 4: Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, Limburg ten noorden van / north of Roermond

Zone 5: Roermond, Limburg ten zuiden van / south of Roermond

Zone 1Zone 2AmsterdamZone 3Zone 4Zone 5
Kie Teetsee13-09-2024begin19:0019:0019:0019:0019:0019:00
Kie Tawo20-09-2024begin19:0019:0019:0019:0019:0019:00

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