Talmudic thought, Jewish ethics, law, history or philosophy is a source of wisdom and knowledge. Debate, philosophize and discuss!
Content is central during this weekly event on Tuesday evening. Together the most relevant and (modern) topics in Jewish philosophy, law, culture and Kabbalah mysticism are discussed.
Basic knowledge of Judaism and Hebrew is not necessary to take the classes. On the contrary, the Learning Circle provides a safe and respectful environment in which there is a dialogue rather than a monologue. This means that asking questions and giving opinions is allowed and even encouraged.
During the “Jewish Learning Circle” we also discuss relevant and social issues. Deepening your knowledge of these millennia-old wisdom strengthens your critical thinking skills and inspires you to look at modern issues and make choices from a broader perspective.
Het werk van Chabad on Campus wordt mogelijk gemaakt door giften van instellingen en particulieren. Wij zijn dankbaar dat ook u overweegt om ons werk ten behoeve van de toekomst van Joods Nederland te ondersteunen.
Stichting Chabad on Campus beschikt over een ANBI-status waardoor giften in principe fiscaal aftrekbaar zijn.
Meld je aan en ontvang het laatste nieuws en over Chabad on Campus en opkomende evenementen.
Gustav Mahlerplein 2 Amsterdam, 1082MA Netherlands
© 2021 Stichting Chabad On Campus Nederland & Chabad Amsterdam South (Zuidas)
Dit online platform is mede mogelijk gemaakt door Stichting Collectieve Maror-Gelden Nederland