Kick off the Summer with Chabad on Campus - Lag Baomer BBQ

As the weather is becoming better, we are ready to celebrate summer again! Join tons of Jewish friends - Students and Young Professionals - with kicking off the summer at the annual Laq Baomer BBQ. This is a great moment to meet new friends, expand your network and simply enjoy!

May 19th 2022

May 19th 2022

Kick IfKick-off the Summer with Chabad on Campus!

As the weather is becoming better, we are ready to celebrate again. Join tons of Jewish friends – Students and Young Professionals – with kicking off the summer at the annual Laq Baomer BBQ. This is a great moment to meet new friends, expand your network and simply enjoy! Of course, there will be vegetarian and vegan options.


Student: €7,-

Young Professional: €12,-

Sponsor: €180,-


Use this form to secure your spot. Payments/donations can be made through this link. Afterwards, you will receive an email with details regarding the event.




Andere activiteiten

Shabbat Dinner for Jewish Students and YP’s – Dec 6th

Young, Connected, and Inspired: Shabbat with Chabad on Campus NL

Shabbat Dinner for Jewish Students and YP’s – Dec 13

Young, Connected, and Inspired: Shabbat with Chabad on Campus NL

Shabbat Dinner for Jewish Students and YP’s – Dec 20

Young, Connected, and Inspired: Shabbat with Chabad on Campus NL


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