Kleinblatt in the Sukkah - Oct 22th
Celebrate Sukkot together with fellow Jewish students and young professionals
Oct 22nd 2024 - 6 pm
Oct 22nd 2024 - 6 pm
The Kleinblatt bakery in Antwerp is known across the world. Try out their delicacies in our annual Kleinblatt in the Sukkah-event in Amsterdam for Jewish students and Young professionals. Capacity is limited, please RSVP timely to ensure a seat.
Event details
Who: Jewish Students and Young professionals from Amsterdam, Leiden, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Maastricht, Eindhoven Delft and all over the country.
Time: 6 pm
Location: Amsterdam (Once you register, we’ll provide you with the event location)
For attending the Kleinblatt in the Sukkah-event, a small fee of € 3,- for students and € 6,- for YP’s will be asked. This can be paid via https://chabadoncampus.nl/en/donate/ or by wiring it to the Chabad on Campus Netherlands IBAN bankaccount: NL14ABNA0422148091.
If you wish to contribute to Chabad on Campus or sponsor this event, you can do so through the following link: https://chabadoncampus.nl/en/donate.
High Holiday events
For the events and services surrounding Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot, please refer to this page. Weekly shabbat times are listed on this page.
Andere activiteiten
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