Seideravond Amsterdam 2023 -REGISTRATION CLOSED
Chabad on Campus is excited to invite you to an unforgettable Passover Seder event to be held on April 5th, 2023, at the Hilton Hotel Amsterdam. This year's Seder promises to be a unique and memorable experience for everyone in attendance, whether you're a seasoned Seder-goer or new to the tradition.
5 april 2023
5 april 2023
Passover Seder Event: A Time to Reconnect with Tradition and Community
Chabad on Campus is excited to invite you to an unforgettable Passover Seder event to be held on April 5th, 2023, at the Hilton Hotel Amsterdam. This year’s Seder promises to be a unique and memorable experience for everyone in attendance, whether you’re a seasoned Seder-goer or new to the tradition.
The Seder will be conducted in English to ensure that everyone can fully participate and understand the significance of each ritual. Doors will open at 7:30 pm for the first course, and at 8 pm, we will light the candles and recite the evening prayers. At 8:30 pm, we will begin the actual Seder, led by a knowledgeable and engaging Rabbi who will guide us through the traditional readings, songs, and symbolic foods.
The Passover Seder is an essential part of Jewish tradition, commemorating the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is a time to reconnect with our past, celebrate our freedom, and reflect on the universal themes of redemption and renewal. The Seder is filled with rituals and symbols, such as the bitter herbs, matzah, and the four cups of wine, all of which serve as reminders of the harsh conditions of slavery and the miracle of our redemption.
In addition to the traditional elements of the Seder, Chabad on Campus has planned several surprises and interactive activities to make the evening even more enjoyable and meaningful. You will have the opportunity to meet other students and young professionals from diverse backgrounds, share stories and insights, and connect with your Jewish identity in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
The cost of the event is 25 euro for students and young professionals if registered before March 26th, and 35 euro if registered after. For non-students, the cost is 50 euro if registered before March 26th, and 75 euro if registered after. If you’re feeling particularly generous, you can also choose to sponsor the event for 180 euro, which will help ensure that others can participate in the Seder.
Payments can be made through Tikkie at or or through the following link:
To register for the Passover Seder event, visit our website at We encourage you to register early to secure your spot and take advantage of the early bird pricing. We understand that not everyone can afford the full cost of the Seder, and we don’t want anyone to miss out due to financial constraints. If you require financial assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.
In conclusion, the Passover Seder is a special and meaningful event that brings together people from all walks of life to celebrate our shared heritage and traditions. Whether you’re looking to reconnect with your Jewish roots or simply enjoy a festive evening with friends, we invite you to join us for this unforgettable experience. We look forward to celebrating with you and wish you a joyous Passover!
Thank you to the various sponsors including the Members of the Chai Club and Stichting Collectieve Maror-gelden Nederland for making this event possible.
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