Yom Kippur in Amsterdam: Pre-fast meal and Kol Nidre service - Oct 11th

Yom Kippur Services with fellow Jewish students and young professionals

Oct 11th 2024 - 5:30 pm

Oct 11th 2024 - 5:30 pm

On Friday October 11th, we will gather for the most solemn day on the Jewish Calendar: Yom Kippur. We do not eat, drink or engage in pleasureful activities and spend the 25 hours of the holiday in prayer and reflection. These synagogue services are thoughtfully designed to be accessible, featuring explanation in English and enriched with beautiful melodies.

Event details

Who: Jewish Students and Young professionals from Amsterdam, Leiden, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Maastricht, Eindhoven Delft and all over the country. 
Location: Amsterdam (Once you register, we’ll provide you with the event location)

5:30 – 6:30 pm: Pre-fast meal
6:30 – 7:30 pm: Meditation & Shiur
7:30 – 9 pm: Kol Nidre service
9:30 pm – 12 am: Optional hangout/games and round table discussions (give your topics in advance)

Attendance at the Yom Kippur Services at Chabad on Campus is free of charge. If you wish to contribute to Chabad on Campus or sponsor this event, you can do so through the following link: https://chabadoncampus.nl/en/donate.

High Holiday events

Yom Kippur encompasses various customs, such as refraining from eating, drinking, and wearing leather shoes. To learn more about this significant day, please visit: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/4687/jewish/Yom-Kippur.htm

For the Rosh Hashana dinners, Yom Kippur services, synagogue attendance and all other High Holiday events, please refer to this page. Weekly shabbat times are listed on this page.


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