Jom Kippoer 2 in Amsterdam: Ne'ilah en post-vastenmaaltijd – Sep 25

Join dozens of Dutch and Internationals Jewish people for our the annual Yom Kippur services in the South of Amsterdam.

Sep 25th 2023

Sep 25th 2023

On Monday September 25th, we will gather to conclude the most sacred day in the Jewish calender, Yom Kippur.  Just like every year, Chabad on Campus will be hosting services for Kol Nidre and Ne’ilah. These synagogue services are thoughtfully designed to be accessible, featuring explanations in English and enriched with beautiful melodies.

Ne’ilah, the final prayer and conclusion of Yom Kippur, holds deep significance, and we invite you to be a part of this meaningful experience. As the fast comes to an end, the shema will be recited followed by the sound of the Shofar. After the service a light meal will be served to break the fast.

We extend a warm welcome to you to join us for this special occasion as we celebrate Yom Kippur in Amsterdam.

Our gatherings typically center around the Zuidas area (near Amsterdam Zuid (South) station). Once you register, we’ll provide you with the exact event location.

Times: 5:30 PM: Mincha
7 PM: Ne’ilah
8:14 PM: Shemot and end of the fast
0 PM: Havdala and post-fast meal
(times will be published soon)

Attendance at the Yom Kippur Services at Chabad on Campus is free of charge. If you wish to contribute to Chabad on Campus or sponsor this event, you can do so through the following link:

Understanding Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur encompasses various customs, such as refraining from eating, drinking, and wearing leather shoes. To learn more about this significant day, please visit:

Comprehensive High Holidays Schedule
We will soon share a complete overview of the relevant times and locations for this year’s High Holidays and Chabad on Campus events.

Queries and Contact
Should you have any inquiries, kindly reach out to us at May your Yom Kippur be a profound and meaningful experience.


Andere activiteiten

Sjabbatdiner voor Joodse Studenten en YP’s – 24 mei

Sjabbatdiner voor Joodse Studenten en YP’s – 31 mei


Het werk van Chabad on Campus wordt mogelijk gemaakt door giften van instellingen en particulieren. Wij zijn dankbaar dat ook u overweegt om ons werk ten behoeve van de toekomst van Joods Nederland te ondersteunen.

Stichting Chabad on Campus beschikt over een ANBI-status waardoor giften in principe fiscaal aftrekbaar zijn.