The most admirable Jewish community
Chabad on Campus is the meeting place where young adults from the Netherlands’ Jewish community meet, relationships develop and friendships for life are formed.
What is Chabad on Campus?
Chabad on Campus at the Zuidas in Amsterdam offers you a home away from home, whether you are non-practicing, somewhat observant or completely traditionally Jewish.
Everyone is welcome to visit us. Students, young professionals and expats know where to find us. You are also welcome to come and have a look. Whether you're looking for a sympathetic ear, simply need a place to relax, or want to broaden your religious knowledge, our door is always open for you.
Upcoming activities
Chabad on Campus is buzzing with energy! In addition to synagogue services and our cozy Shabbat dinners, Jewish holidays also receive the attention they deserve. Chabad on Campus has a lot to offer in the social and cultural field as well. Consider meetings in the field of career coaching, Jewish lessons for children, or Ivrit lessons. Young or slightly older, there are worthwhile activities for everyone.
Blogs by ourcommunity
Proving Ourselves: The Modern Struggle of the Jewish Community
"De cultuur, identiteit en achtergrond van de studenten die deelnemen aan de activiteiten van Chabad on Campus is zo divers dat het voor mij vooral een plek is om kennis te vergaren over mijn eigen identiteit en hoe ik er wel of niet en op welke wijze invulling aan zou willen geven."
"Voor mij betekent Chabad on Campus een omgeving waar ik Joodse feestdagen kan vieren met leeftijdsgenoten, maar ook de rust kan vinden om mij voor te bereiden op mijn tentamens".
"Door deelname aan de "Sinai Scholars" cursus ben ik in staat geweest om mijn Joodse identiteit een plek te geven in mijn leven".
Chabad on Campus is made possible by donations from institutions and individuals. Your gift helps us to support the future of the Jewish community in the Netherlands. Thank you very much!
Stichting Chabad on Campus has an ANBI status, which means that donations are tax deductible in most cases.