Rosh Hashanah Dinner for Jewish Students and YP's - Sep 15

Join Chabad on Campus in Amsterdam for an unforgettable Rosh Hashana experience! Celebrate unity, tradition, and new beginnings with fellow Jewish students and young professionals. Reserve your seat now.

Sep 15th 2023

Sep 15th 2023

As we bid farewell to the Jewish Year 5783 and embrace the new beginnings of 5784, Rosh Hashana beckons us to come together. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of Amsterdam, Chabad on Campus extends a warm invitation to you. Whether you’re a local, an exchange student, or an expat seeking connection, Chabad on Campus in Amsterdam is your destination for an extraordinary Rosh Hashana celebration alongside fellow Jewish students and young professionals. Join us in welcoming the new year with joy and unity.

Step into a realm of enchantment at the heart of Amsterdam’s Sout. As we gather around the table, you’ll find yourself immersed in the company of a diverse assembly of Jewish students and young professionals. Representing 25 different nationalities – from cities as varied as Rotterdam, The Hague, Maastricht, Eindhoven, and Utrecht, and countries spanning the globe such as the USA, Canada, Brazil, Chile, and France – we unite under the banner of Jewish Celebration. Delight in a delectable dinner featuring traditional Rosh Hashana delicacies and, above all, the warmth of companionship. We are looking forward to celebrate with you.

Chabad on Campus is your go-to hub for young Jewish souls in the Netherlands. With a decade-long legacy, we’ve welcomed thousands of young individuals to our unique events. This is more than just a meal; it’s an opportunity to broaden your horizons, forge meaningful connections, and build lasting friendships.

Student: € 18,-
Young professional: € 30,-
Sponsor: € 180,-
Payments/donation is possible through Tikkie or (creditcard). You can also wire a donation to IBAN NL14ABNA0422148091 (ANBI)

Our gatherings typically center around the Zuidas area (near Amsterdam Zuid (South) station). Once you register, we’ll provide you with the exact event location.

The Rosh Hashana Dinner will begin at 6.45 pm

High Holiday events
For the 2nd Rosh Hashana dinner, Yom Kippur services, synagogue attendance and all else, please refer to this page:

Registration form

Other activities

Shabbat Dinner Jewish Students and YP’s – May 24th

Shabbat Dinner Jewish Students and YP’s – May 31th


Chabad on Campus is made possible by donations from institutions and individuals. We are grateful that you are also considering supporting our work for the benefit of the future of Jewism in the Netherlands.

Stichting Chabad on Campus has an ANBI status, which means that donations are tax deductible in most cases.