In the Spotlight #2 – Shemesh

joods student Shemesh Chabad On Campus
Community means people and stories. The dynamics of diversity are an essential part. Chabad on Campus spotlights every week another member of the community with each their own story and vision.

I study Built Environment at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. The study offers a range of possibilities and provides an understanding of the design, construction and maintenance of, among other things, buildings and dikes. Primarily because of Corona, there have not been many occasions to party in recent years. That is a shame because this is exactly what I associate student life with: going to a terrace and celebrating. Fortunately, I have achieved all the goals that I set 4 years ago: getting my HAVO diploma, having a side job that I enjoy going to and having a relationship with someone I love.

Jewish student - chabad on campus - spotlight

My goals for the coming period are to get my degree and expand my group of friends. It is also nice to participate in Jewish organizations such as Chabad On Campus because it is always pleasant to talk about Jewish culture and traditions without judgment.

Yet the goal I am most proud of and have worked hard for is my self-confidence. It wasn’t always easy for me to go to school since I frequently got excluded from the group, which has shaped me into who I am today. Still, I hope no one has to walk the same path. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this challenging time and want to pass on, it’s that you need to make peace with your past to focus on the future.

Just remember one thing: “You are at the helm of your life and you decide your destiny. If you are stubborn and missed your destination, turn around or choose another goal. Never stand still because then you will never reach your destination. “

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